
Point of Rocks, MD. The foreground tree where I'm standing is godforsaken maryland. The rest is the Virginia shore I shot a wedding yesterday and finished early and wanted to stop and take a few pics of things that make me happy instead of drunk people telling me to take pictures of other drunk people because, you know, photographers need to be told to take pictures... otherwise they just stand around with nice cameras and drool, not knowing what to do.

I love this area. It's kinda noisy (lots of semi's over that bridge) but I still really like it. I caught one of my biggest smallies ever about 50 yards up from there. I believe CD caught one of his biggest about 40 yards from where I was standing. The place Cap'n and I fished and KILLED 'em was about a 15 minute walk up the C&O Canal national park tow path and then walk in to the river. I'm still trying to locate the honey hole his secret source told us about but we never even made it to because we were catching too many fish

I went there today and didn't get so much as a nibble but I kinda expected it. Blue bird skies, cold front slamming thru, 20-30mph winds, etc. But I still went out.

Rivers almost ripe for big bronzebacks, waters coming up to low 50's and clearing up.