Lynn and I spent the weekend in Miami (or possibly Ft. Lauderdale?) one weekend and they had a big dock at the hotel where they rented jet skis, paddle boards and small sail boat type thingies during the day. One night we mixed a couple of cocktails and went out to sit on the dock. There were a couple of bright lights shining down into the water at the end of the doc where we sat and I swear there must have been 150 Tarpon running around that dock! During late Spring, they show up in massive numbers and are a hoot to catch. Those things are real dinosaurs and are said to have been around for 100 million years (true story). We see them all the time, mostly on the Gulf coast where we hang out most often. The cool part is, you can also find them running the freshwater marshes and rivers, as well as brackish backwaters, etc. They are one of the ultimate game fish and there are some real monsters out there!