Well, I got a BAD case of cabin fever today and decided to go run a few errands. It was my first foray out in my truck since a week ago last Wednesday when I checked in the hospital. Both me and my truck needed the soot blown out of us.
So I'm bee bopping along and who frigging calls me but my wanger doctor's office, the urologist/surgeon to set a followup appointment. Before I could help myself I asked the nurse person if she'd text the appointment info to me since I was driving and couldn't write it down. You're what? You're not supposed to be driving. And so on and so on. So I told her I'd go right home and sit on my ass.
So I went to Bass Pro Shops and bought a new rig! Shimano Chronarch 150 cI4 on a Falcon Cara 6'7" medium heavy rod. It replaces the really top of the line one I lost several years ago. Its taken me this long to get $500 ahead to replace the damn thing. This thing is schweet. Gives me a semi. The full comes when i put some line on it.

I love me.

