Sounds like what the state does here with DU funds. Only they plant millet and flood then flood fields.

Its hard to know the scale of this deal, and it doesn't mention if he charged people to hunt his fields or not, but it sounds a lot like the law got a little overly zealous. Then again, a short, but wise law dawg told me once 'If you do the crime, be prepared to do the time."

I remember a similar case in south Texas. Where they fed peanut hay to cattle they had zillions of snow geese coming in on their fields. So they had some organized, paid for hunts and they killed a ton of them. (they done a deed in my opinion) There was a big sting operation by the media and the feds to bust them and they had a big perp walk and the hunts made national news from the videos they shot of the hunts.
Its a dubious line, IMO and I've always wondered when a person makes habitat available for fish or deer or pigs or whatever, why is that different than planting and bush hogging a corn field for those orange legged migrants?