I think I was around 10 or 12 and my buddy and I were fishing out of a little 10' aluminum johnboat in North Carolina. Needless to say, it was pretty tight quarters. He was facing rearward and I was facing forward. Somehow, he went to cast and hooked me right under the back of my armpit! Of course, I had no shirt on (like it would have made a difference anydamnway) and he must have been going for record yardage on that particular cast, 'cause he BURIED that hook! The only positive was that it was a single hook and not a treble. Since it was snagged in the back of my arm, every time my buddy tried to remove it, I couldn't see what was going on and that seemed to make the pain worse for some reason (not sure it really did, but not knowing exactly when the pain was going to hit, seemed to make it worse). I could reach it with my other hand, but couldn't actually see what I was doing. We finally went home (my grandparents house where I was spending the summer) and my grandmother removed it by cutting off the eye with wire cutters. She said the barb had almost hooked completely through and was just under the skin, so she took an ice cube, kinda froze a spot on my arm, then made a tiny slice with a razor blade and pulled the hook on through from the barbed end. Once it was over with, it seemed the alcohol she used before and after the "surgery" was the worst part! I also learned that an armpit is kind of a "tender" area!!