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Thread: Thump post - sorry

  1. #1
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Thump post - sorry

    Am I just an uncaring, pos, a-hole? I belong to a neighborhood i-net site (Nextdoor) that started out as a pretty decent site to pass on neighborhood news, events and a place to share info such as good a/c repair companies, lawn service people, honest auto repair shops and even crime reports etc. But lately, I seldom read it. Over time it's turned into nothing but 95% posts by people asking for hand-outs. I admit, times are tough, but gosh-dangit, I can hardly walk into a retail establishment these days that doesn't have a help wanted sign on their door. 2-blocks from my house is a MacD's that has had a help wanted sign on their main signage (that used to display special price items) that says, "Help wanted, $13-$17/hour". That sign has been up for probably the past year and a half. Yet I read constantly of people who are out of work and can't feed themselves, can't pay their rent, can't afford to fix their car, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum.

    Damn, I've been down and broke so many times in my life, I couldn't count them all, but I ALWAYS found a way to pull through .... usually by doing without things that were absolutely not necessary. Divorce, child custody, job loss, recessions, inflation ... you name it, I've pulled through it. The most recent, MAJOR rough spot, was my last health crisis, 2 months in ICU and 2 weeks of that in a coma, not to mention a couple more years in physical therapy along with numerous surgeries. In just a couple years time I lost the business I'd successfully built and ran for 20 years, lost my ability to work, was within a blond c-hair of losing my house, car, etc. BUT .... I found a way and not ONE of those ways was by begging strangers (OR charity organizations) for help. We cut back to the bare essentials and got super creative with finances to pull through. Sometimes I wonder how we did it, but somehow things worked out. I've maintained a credit rating that bounces around 830-840 and have never filed a bankruptcy or missed a payment on ANYTHING. EVER. I always figured I'd pay my bills first (no matter what it took) and if there's anything left over, I'd eat. IMHO, if I BOUGHT it, I need to PAY for it! I started my own business when I was 10 or 12 years old and if I wanted anything like a bicycle, skateboard, clothes ... I had to buy it myself. I never knew it while growing up, but I think we were relatively "poor". I had no idea and simply thought the "normal" people I knew were rich. Granted, we had a roof over our heads, food on the table and basic school clothes (many hand-me-downs), but there just never was anything extra. If I wanted something out of the ordinary, I had to find a way to get it myself ... by hard work, even as a kid.

    These days, due to physical limitations, I have to find someone to rake my yard, trim my hedges, cut my grass, etc. etc. etc. Do you think it's possible to hire a neighborhood kid to do ANY of those chores? Ha ha ha ha! No, they're in the house playing the video game mom and dad bought for them. Or chatting on their pricey cell phones. If they want something, mom and dad will buy it for them. Where does work ethic come from these days? I just don't see it out there anymore. I recently witnessed (and I won't say where as it could cause issues if anyone involved should read this) an 18-years old whining to mom and dad ... and I quote (in a whiney voice), "I neeeeed a new caaaaar!" Now mind you, this girl has never held any sort of "summer" job (or any other sort of job) and is getting ready to head off to college. My first car was a '49 Plymouth purchased with my own money for $75 ... and this was in the mid-60's, so it was FAR from new. You know what dad is looking to buy for her? A frigging Mercedes! (she's now driving a Lexus)

    I guess I've steered myself off on a tangent, but the above is related to my rant as I have the feeling the younger crowd is so accustomed to having everything handed to them, they have no clue how to obtain anything for themselves. Maybe I'm just an old curmudgeon, I really don't know. Is this the norm nowadays? Is this where people get the idea that if they can't get it, the government ... like mom and dad .... will give it to them? It gripes the living piss out'ta me when all I hear about from business owners is that they can't get any help, yet on the other side of the fence, all I hear is, "there are no jobs available!" WTF? Which is it? From my personal observations, they're out there.

    I'll admit, something really set me off this morning that sent me into this rant. I guess it was like a "last straw" and I snapped. Enough is enough. I'll post the pic that did it for me. Maybe I AM just a heartless, uncaring SOB, I really don't know where my emotions are any more. This guy LOOKS pretty healthy to me. He's a vet and says the VA will do nothing for him (although in fine print he "complains" he has free VA health care, but no dental!) WTF? He's using the old "I have a baby with no food or diapers, etc" tear-jerker to tear at your heartstrings and also mentions something about needing a SECOND job. He ain't gonna find it sitting on a frigging street corner holding a sign! I don't know, this whole scenario reeks. He's using his military uniform, VA card and backpack as a "prop" ... I guess to gain extra sympathy. I'm kind of wondering why he didn't simply stay in the military? They'd take care of everything he's asking for! Or get off your ass and take a walk down the street ... within 2-blocks, you'll most likely walk past 5-6 help wanted signs. I'm tired of it. GO TO WORK you bunch'a whiney-assed free-loaders. This country is going to Hell in a handbasket. (rant over)

    veteran image.jpg
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  2. #2
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    P.S. Lynn says I'm a heartless, uncaring SOB .... but she's a native Californian and votes like one.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  3. #3
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Chicken Dinner's Avatar
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    Thump post - sorry

    I do my best to try and not judge other peoples situations. But, what I’ve heard in these parts is that panhandling pays better than McD’s. I don’t judge. But, I limit my generosity to people I know personally or organized charities.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." Raoul Duke

  4. #4
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) jb's Avatar
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    Ya, I see the same thing up here, as soon as the weather turns cold they disappear, maybe go to Florida.
    Just went to a Wendy's and the had a sign out "Now hiring, $23/hr."
    Has my first job @15, pumped gas at my Uncles Texaco station, ($1 /hr. paid out of the till), have never been without work since then (62 years) married and a full time college student still saw me working in a factory 3:00 - Midnight. Can't imagine how I did that for two years.
    My 3 sons have worked since they were 15, Summer time harvesting cherries, hot dirty work, but they loved the $$.
    Things are quite different now a days.
    Last edited by jb; 07-08-2022 at 12:25 PM.
    The older I get, the better I was. I also forget my password and have to have Len reset it for me

  5. #5
    Grand High Exalted Taser-Master
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    my son's two oldest daughters are five and seven and can do more in the kitchen than most 18 year olds. They sweep vacuum, set the table, peel and dice veggies and fruit, help mom cook especially baking.

    I don't give money to panhandlers, I'll usually buy something to eat and drink and give to them, a burger and a coke maybe

    and you are an Ahole albeit a caring one
    Last edited by quercus alba; 07-08-2022 at 01:12 PM.
    "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones"
    Albert Einstein

  6. #6
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Many of the homeless (note I didn’t say panhandlers) couldn’t perform at a job, even as dishwasher. Because of mental illness. Some can be helped find a way. There are many local charities, like food banks for the poor and shelters for the homeless. Donate to them if you want.
    But I never considered ranting about either. Guess I’m not an a-hole like some!

    Viva Renaldo!

  7. #7
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Hombre's Avatar
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    A few weeks ago I went into the office in downtown Seattle. About 10am I took a walk outside. A homeless guy was passed out right in the walkway, no big deal I just walked around. About 3pm same walk same homeless guy, again I just walked around. Around 6 I headed home. The homeless guy was just coming to. He asked me for money. I just said no and kept walking....but I thought I've been working all day while you al slept and now you want my money... go f yourself

  8. #8
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    I donate to two charities every year. Admittedly, I “shouldn’t” judge people, but I do …. sometimes. I used to give to panhandlers, until I followed a couple (two different times) after giving them money “to get something to eat”. The first time, he headed directly to the local liquor store. The second time I gave a couple, with a baby in their car, 3-4 gallons of gas (from the can in my work truck). They said they were going to buy baby formula when they ran out of gas. I circled the block and spotted them in the local convenience store. After they left, I went in and asked the clerk what they bought with the $10 cash I gave them. Cigarettes, a couple of cokes, chips and a bottle of sugary apple juice (I assume in place of the “formula” for the baby). No gas … I guess I’d given them plenty. That ended my long habit of helping the “desperate looking” people along the way. I’ll admit, I used to apply charitable donations on my tax return, but since I don’t make enough now to file, it’s 100% charity. Panhandlers have multiple outlets to seek help if they’re truly in need. I’ve always heard a few can give the majority a bad rep. In these cases, I feel (IMO) the majority give the FEW a bad rep. I just don’t want to waste my time figuring out which is which.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  9. #9
    Grand High Exalted Taser-Master
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    The sad thing is that while many of us don't want to judge and would be glad to help, those who would rather beg than work have ruined it for all the ones who truly need assistance. The majority of people don't have the means to slip a couple of bucks to everyone asking for a handout.

    My D-I-L in Fort Smith saw a man dressed in rags pull up in a Walmart parking lot in a brand new Denali, get out his bucket and sign and go sit by the road to beg. Shameful.

    About the best we can do is give to a reputable food bank or homeless shelter
    "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones"
    Albert Einstein

  10. #10
    Administrator LJ3's Avatar
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    It's a "real" job down in my parts now. Strategic medians at strategic intersections. There's a guy I see a lot, uses a crutch, limps, "poor me" sign, work the median of an upper middle class neighborhood intersection, parks his 2020 Jeep Grand Cherokee about 2 blocks away. I've seen him get in and out many times. Funny how his limp gets better when he gets near his car.

    He's making good money doing it.

    I guess if you can still look yourself in the mirror and be ok with what you're doing, sky's the limit.

    But I guess that's the thing, ain't it? Most of us couldn't look ourselves in the mirror doing something like that.
    If we all threw our problems in a pile, and you saw everyone else's problems-- you'd take yours back.

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