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Thread: Can you get PTSD from an extended hospital stay?

  1. #1
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Can you get PTSD from an extended hospital stay?

    I've NEVER had a problem with needles, or for that matter, any medical procedure for the most part. It's just never bothered me in the least. In fact, I used to donate blood regularly. BUT ... nowadays, I get totally creeped out by needles ... especially blood tests (which I have to do on a monthly basis these days).

    While in the hospital it was NON-STOP poking, prodding, slicing and dicing. I'd have blood taken a minimum of twice/day ... many times more. To make matters worse, it was a training hospital so I was a "guinea pig" so to speak. Young nurses would sometimes have to poke me numerous times to take blood. Toward the end, I'd request certain nurses and many times would be told something like, "Oh, she's working on the 3rd floor tonight". My reply was, "Then go down and get her"! They took blood so often my veins finally "collapsed" and they now have to go in at weird places to take blood ... the back of my hand, my forearm, even my neck at times!

    Between the never-ending blood tests, IV's (which had to be changed/moved constantly to prevent infection), catheters, feeding tubes, trach tubes, etc. etc. etc. I've become a total wimp when it comes to needles and/or sharp objects or minor medical procedures these days.

    I'm ready to head to the dentist right now to have a (wisdom) tooth pulled. I've never had a tooth pulled before and everyone has told me it's a piece of cake ... but I can already feel the anxiety building. I've never, EVER thought twice about anything like this before, but these days I get freaked out simply going in for something as simple as a dang flu shot! I know it's silly, but I think I've developed a case of PTSD from being in the frigging hospital!

    I know I'll get through today and then I can look forward to more back surgery next month ... I'll get through that just fine also because I simply "suck it up" and don't really show my anxiety ... but that doesn't change how I feel "inside".

    Anyway, it sucks feeling like some wimp-wussy, but I figured I'd just spill my guts to youse dufes before I head out to get cut on. I can already feel my heart rate kicking into high gear and am starting to feel clammy already. I'm not looking forward to this. I love the thought of sticking needles in my gums with the cutting and digging to follow. Can't wait!

  2. #2
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Thought you loved "The Rush"?????

    So, tell you what. Try having that tooth pulled WITHOUT the needles stuck in your gums first!!!!
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  3. #3
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Bwana's Avatar
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    Given what all you have been through it makes sense to have anxiety over such things, simply a case of conditioning. I suggest asking the vet, I mean dentist, to give you some laughing gas to help take the edge off of your anxiety. For that matter some dentists will even give you a sedative to relax you for certain procedures. Might be worth checking into.

    Good luck Jim.

  4. #4
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Yeah, laughing gas. That'll fix you. You'll be happy, happy, happy.

    Honest, ask him. I bet it helps.
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  5. #5
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    We'll see. Just did the shit/shower/shave routine and am headed out the door. Guess I'll be living off smashed 'taters for a few days.

    Later dufes.

  6. #6
    Administrator Niner's Avatar
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    I hear ya Thump! When I was having the chemo treatments, the stuff they were giving me was so strong I had to be an in-patient for 10-14 days. And, like you, they took blood at LEAST twice a day.....some days more. The veins in my arms are VERY hard for even the best phlebotomist to get to, so they always (at my insistence at times) used the back of my hands.

    One day they sent up shit...FIVE different vampires and none of them could get a drop. They finally sent the sixth one in and she stuck the needle in, and got all of the blood they needed lickity split. We got her name!! Di called down to the manager of phlebotomy, and we had that gal assigned to be my exclusive blood-taker the rest of the time that I was having treatments. In fact....when I was in there last month for my hardware re-do, we got hold of the-powers-that-be and got her assigned to take care of me again. We developed a real bond with her, and she'd even pop in to say hello even when I wasn't scheduled for any blood-work. This time around even she had a time getting blood a time or two, and had to resort to some odd places....but she got it....and PAIN FREE for me.

    And speaking of PTSD. When the neurosurgeon told me I had broken hardware and he'd need to go back in and fix it, I like to have thrown up right there in his office. Like you, even though I LOVE the folks out there at MDA....I really don't want to be "worked on" any more.

    Hope your toof comes out easy peasy!!!
    My "disability" does not make me "disabled".

    Cancer Sucks!

  7. #7
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Something tells me there's going to be a potato and gravy shortage at KFC in Florida this week.

    Hope it all goes smooth, Jim! (no pun intended)


  8. #8
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Piece of cake. That was my first tooth extraction and I have to admit I was a bit squeamish just thinking about it. I told him if he hurts me, I'd never "let" him catch the biggest fish ever again. He said I was welcome to go to an Oral Surgeon if I want to pay 'bout $650. I told him to start yanking!

    Dang ... he had that puppy out'ta there in less than a minute. Didn't feel a thing. No muss, no fuss ... much ado about nothing really.

    I know PERSACTLY what you're saying Niner. Actually, when I go in for my regular blood tests at the hospital or my local VA clinic, it's a piece of cake. The Phlebotomists in both labs told me it's much different having blood taken in the lab compared to in the hospital room. They say in the labs, each technician draws blood about 30-40 times/day ... so they are SUPER experienced. In the hospital, they may do 3-5/day. Add the fact, many were in training, it didn't help any. I've learned to tell any Phlebotomist up front, "I'm a hard stick" so they know ahead of time to take a bit more time with me. Before the hospital stay, drawing blood from me was no problem whatsoever ... in & out and I never thought twice about it.

  9. #9
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    That post was at 10:15 a.m.

    Then the pain killer wore off, and Thump hasn't been heard from since.
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  10. #10
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Nope ... just been busy. No pain at all ... in fact, I wouldn't even know anything has happened unless I stick my tongue up in the gaping hole where a wisdom tooth used to be. Held a piece of gauze in my mouth for about an hour after he finished and there was just a small spot of blood on it when I pulled it out. I'd have to guess this tooth extraction must have been "textbook" with zero problems. The release form he had me sign said there was a possibility of a broken jaw, the tooth may have to be broken into pieces and removed that way, some jawbone may have to be removed, there could be bone splinters left that could irritate my gums, etc. etc. etc. I have to admit, it had me a bit nervous. 'Course, if you read the "possibles" on a frigging Tylenol bottle, that would prolly scare the bejeebers out'ta you also. I should'a listened to my military dentist and had all these dang things yanked out for FREE 45 years ago.

    Anyway, no pain, no bleeding, no swelling, no probs whatsoever ... I guess it could'a been worse.

  11. #11
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Last wisdom tooth I had taken out, the oral surgeon laid Defrib Paddles on my chest, and kept coming in and going out, before he started. I asked why, and he said "This is the 2nd worst one I've EVER seen".

    I lived through it. For months, the 1st Armored Cav could park a Sherman in that hole, though..........
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  12. #12
    Administrator LJ3's Avatar
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    To answer the questions you posed in the thread subject...

    No, and stop being a pussy.

    But seriously folks

    I'm NOT comparing my 6 week hospital stay with rocky mountain spotted fever to your dying 15 times and being in the hospital as long as you were BUT.. I can totally relate. Having an infectious disease doctor trying to figure out why I was getting fevers high enough to kill me required IV's and blood letting every hour, on the hour for weeks on end. My veins collapsed, there was only two people that could even get blood from me after a while.

    Now these days, if I even get a chill that feels like a fever chill, I get a total anxiety attack and basically have an internal freak out for about 15 minutes before I can settle myself down. It sucks ass. I can imagine what you and the Niner feel is about a millionty times worserer.
    If we all threw our problems in a pile, and you saw everyone else's problems-- you'd take yours back.

  13. #13
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Drink more cherry juice. It'll fix ya right up.


  14. #14
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    I wake up about every morning with a "torso pain" and think "GEEZ, I ain't gonna live through another L.A.D. M.I.!!!!" Then I figure out it's either my microscopic colitis, or my COPD, and I cough myself back to sleep.

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  15. #15
    Member TeeDub's Avatar
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    I'm with you on the needles Jim. Never used to bother me a bit till this damned cancer stuff. Went for a CT Scan yesterday and two nurses had five tries to get an IV started with no luck. They use the IV to inject a contrast dye into the blod stream, I guess for better clarity of the scan. I felt like a pin cushion by the time they finally gave up. I've had so many IV's and blood tests over the past year that i have to just take small sips of my beer in the evening for fear of it leaking out. I'm anxious to see the Scan relults. Thought I had a consultation on Friday, but it's been delayed. The Oncologist is supposed to give me a call when he looks at the Scan and we'll set up a new meeting. In the meantime I'll jusst sit here sipping my beer and reding books. Have zero energy and have to forcee myself to keep active. Damn Chemo!

  16. #16
    Administrator Niner's Avatar
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    Hang in there, Terry. That danged chemo will really knock your dick in the dirt. Just leaves you feeling as weak as a dadgummed kitten. But it is a necessary evil I suppose.

    I'm pullin' for ya man. I say a little prayer for you all the time.
    My "disability" does not make me "disabled".

    Cancer Sucks!

  17. #17
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Buckrub's Avatar
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    Me, too man. My two heroes.

    When it rains, and folks say "put on a raincoat", I always say "God gave me waterproof skin. It does NOT leak".......haven't thought about the sticks and needles! For what it's worth, they have to use a pediatric needle on veins are tiny, they roll, and my blood is like molasses.
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  18. #18
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Dang it's good to hear from you Terry! I guess those extended medical problems have forced a few of us into becoming needle-phobic!

    Going in for a CT Scan myownfineself tomorrow. Gonna be a loooong day at the hospital. Tons and tons of tests. Doing pre-op for another surgery next month plus I gots a meeting with the Agent Orange docs. I have to leave here about 5:30 - 6:00 am and head for Tampa for an 8:15 appt. Gonna have a bunch more holes poked in me tomorrow, will spend the night in the hospital and be home sometime Friday. I HATE this getting old crap!

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