I'm still trying to reduce the predators on my place.....got on my predator stand a little late this morning at 6:45.....barely had time to sit down, and hadn't even made my first varmint call, and a mangy-looking bobcat ran across in front at 75 yards....I made a quick call to stop him, and I dropped in his tracks, but he laid there, doing the watusi break-dance for about 30 seconds.....then, I saw movement to the right of him at the edge of the woods, where he had just come from.....3 does and 2 fawns came running outta the woods, following his exact path, almost like they had been chasing him.....the big bell-cow doe of the bunch, ran across the opening alone, headed straight for the bobcat, who I thought was stone-cold dead by now.....she got about 20 ft. from him, and he raised his head, and barely started dragging himself with his front legs into the woodline.....she followed him for about 10 yds., but then lost interest in him.....I guess she realized he was mortally wounded, and no longer posed a threat.....she meandered back to her little clan, who had stayed in the rear just watching, and I thought that was the end of the weird event.....it was as if they had been chasing the bobcat, rather than the opposite.
Then, the bell-cow doe lead the whole clan over to where the bobcat had lay bleeding, and each one took their turn, smelling the blood pile.....it was as if she was saying to them, "Ya'll smell this stuff, this mofo is dead !!!".....they all retreated to a nearby foodplot, and started chowing down.....weirdest thing I've seen in the woods, in a long time, but a great morning to be in the woods. !!!!!