Anyone that knows me knows my cooking is limited to Pig Dip, Rice Krispy Marshmallow treats, bacon, and grits. Hell I don’t even use a grill like I hear you boys talking about. That said I’ll tell you I learned something this year during our annual Rabbit hunt, cheese and wine event.

Making a egg omelet

Get a freezer zip-loc bag, crack and put in two or three eggs, salt, pepper, cheese, and ANYTYHING else you like in your omelet. Get most of the air out of the bag and seal up. Then smash and mix all the “stuff” you put in the bag together until it is mixed well. Get a pot of water and bring to boil and put the bag in there for 7 minutes. Tear the bag open and it’s a great omelet.

At rabbit camp this year we would all mix up what we wanted and write our names on the bag and put in the fridge. Get up the next morning and bring a pot of water to boil and Bingo-Bango we had a great breakfast. Great for a fast, easy cleanup morning starter.
Take Care, Captain