A buddy of mine has gotten himself in a minor pickle. He used to be my next door neighbor for 10-years in California, but now lives in Idaho. He and his wife bought a new handgun and sent it to a Cerakote specialist in Spokane, Washington to be customized. (A guy named Brad) Now he's donating it for a September auction in New York City and the proceeds are being donated to LEO families who were victims of the 911 attacks. BUT ... he ran into a snag as he can't ship it to New York unless it is made inoperable and mounted in some sort of presentation case. (I may have the details a bit screwed up). Anyway, he's asking for suggestions. First, I said he could auction it locally and donate the cash, but I'm sure his audience would be a LOT smaller in Idaho. I told him (as far as I know) he could get a local FFL holder to ship it to another FFL dealer in NY. But, then getting it to the auction might be difficult. I then suggested contacting the COP in the borough where the auction is to be held and let him (or a designated LEO) handle the transport. In fact, once some eyes are laid on that thing around the station, there my be a ton of LEO's wanting to bid themselves.

TBH, I'm not all that familiar with New York gun laws and everything I've suggested might be worthless suggestions. (yeah, I also told him he should remove it from his underwear drawer before he takes the pics!)

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Anybody here have any better suggestions?