Well, not like Big Sky's fish pics, but since youse dufes act like a bunch'o slugs lately, I figured I may as well post SOMETHING here. Lynn surprised me on my birthday with an Orlando trip to hit one of our favorite dinner spots. Man-o-man, did I pig out!

Miso soup, salad and hot saki for starters.


Then for the good stuff! A big ol' boat load'o sushi! It's hard to see here, but in the "bow" of that boat was a TON of the really good stuff! As in, "melt in yo' mouf' good"!


We destroyed it ... no left-overs here!


And then the restaurant treated me to a birthday dessert ... some kick-ass tiramisu!


Wow! Lynn's birthday is on Feb. 10th ... now I may have to up my game a bit.