Lynn's been having a few problems and has a colonoscopy AS WELL AS an endoscopy scheduled today. She's taken a couple days off work as she spent all day yesterday prepping. Well, during the day yesterday, I felt like I'd been kicked in the groin and when I showered last night, I realized my right 'nad was swollen as big as a hen's egg and so sore I couldn't touch the dang thing. Showering and washing "that area" was a VERY delicate maneuver, to say the least. Crap! As rough as Lynn's day was yesterday and considering what she'll be going through today, I didn't want to whine, so I kept quiet. BUT ... this morning I could barely crawl out of bed. I checked out the boys and the right side is now swollen as big as a frigging goose egg! I can hardly walk it hurts so much. I'm gonna soldier through the best I can (Lynn's appt. is at 11:00), then once I get her back home and comfortable, I'll call MY doc. for advice. Considering it will be a Friday afternoon, I have a sneaking suspicion I could possibly end up at the Emergency Room. From past experience, checking into the ER on a Friday afternoon, usually leads to spending the weekend in the hospital. CRAP! I'm hoping for the best ... you know, like "take two aspirin, get some rest and call me on Monday".

This getting old crap is for the birds!