there's a post of such sage wisdom than it spans the ages with it's profound truth. Today seemed liked a good day to resurrect this one from about four years ago.

I hope Posty don't pull a Sunny on us and r-u-n-o-f-t for me quoting him. BTW, I agree wholeheartedly with him here

My Last Salty Political Cumudgeondry of the Day (Polititat du Jour)

So since I've been in my convalesance I've had to sit on my fat ass much more than normal and I prolly did the dumbest thing of all I turned on the TV. On CNN and Fox.

Here's what I've learned: The media is biased in the usual ways, CNN on the left, Fox on the right. But this election, they've added more surrogates from each candidate. These surrogates will defend their candidate even if that candidate were caught red handed fucking sheep. Both networks have a small stable of these surrogates. They might be radio talk show hosts, or college professors, or whatever. Blowhards. You get the picture.
Here's something else both big networks do: (i've never watched MSNBC to my knowledge in my entire life): they have hourly news shows and as they pass the baton to the next host, a new little panel of bullshitters from the stables show up to righteously defend their candidate, or usually just as stupidly attack the other candidate. The part that is really bad is both the attacks and the defnses are the lamest of the lame.
The candidates had nothing to do with this nonsense. The news networks did. And they copied one another. So the daily election coverage is like a marathon reality show with the same panelists each day trying to outdo one another with witty reparte about stupid fucking stuff. It is moronic, and it is addicting as hell. And after a while, if you don't bleed to death through the eyeballs, you get to know these panelists just like you get to know what jerks the millenials on Big Brother. And the host, is that hour's Julie Chng.


Viva Renaldo!