Today's the big day ... I have my paperwork together and my story all written out. Today I meet with the Veteran's Claims Examiner to present my case (basically a malpractice type thing). This guy does NOT work for the VA ... he works with the State of Florida ... so there's no conflict of interest here.

I've had one meeting with him previously (March 11) and now have everything he needs to move forward. He seems like a straight-up kinda guy. Was very concerned and has been helpful so far. He also wants me to get on the Agent Orange registry as he's been able to verify I was exposed. I ran into a block wall previously as MI records don't always show persactly where I was at all times ... just where I was based out of. Somehow he worked through the red tape and dug up some top secret spy stuff I guess.

Gonna shit, shower and shave ... then head to Tampa for some Thai food and then the big pow-wow.

Later dufes.