Well, I ain't Irish ... or maybe I am. Just a mutt really. My grandparents told me we are Dutch & German, but who knows what all that means? According to 23andMe, I'm 51% British & Irish, so I'll run with that Irish part for the purpose of this post.

I was returning home this morning from picking up some double-backed tape at Wally World and noticed an older woman driving ahead of me. Her right rear tire was almost completely flat and she seemed totally unaware. But it was a 2-lane street and I had no real, safe way of getting her attention. Then she turned into a (residential) driveway and I pulled in behind her, but stopped at the end of the driveway so I didn't scare her. I pointed to her tire and explained why I'd stopped. As I thought, she had no clue. I asked if she had anyone who could put her spare on (I was going to volunteer .... "really" didn't want to, but she was elderly and I'm an ex-Boy Scout).

Luckily (for me) she said she has AAA and will call them, then thanked me profusely for taking the time and effort to let her know. As I was about to leave, I noticed a box of misc. "crap" by the garage that said "FREE" on the side. I noticed the handle of a cast iron pan sticking out of the box and asked her what the deal was. She said she's selling her house to move in with her daughter and they had a yard sale Fri-Sat. The box was just some small left-over stuff she was going to set out by the curb. She said with the "FREE" sign, she figured somebody would pick it up, but it was too heavy for her to carry. I offered to take it to the curb for her, but asked about the cast iron pan (I didn't even know what it was). She said it's been out on her porch for years and she had a potted plant sitting in it. Someone bought the plant, but nobody wanted the old, rusty pan it was sitting in. I told her I'd buy it from her (still sight unseen) but she refused to take any money for it. She told me I was welcomed to it and I carried the box to the curb for her, pulled out the pan and threw the nasty thing into the back of my truck.

Well, I just got home and took a closer look at it. After scraping off a bit of the built up crud, I realized it's a pretty rare Gris! This one is now scheduled for a refurb! It'll bring $150 on The Bay once I get it cleaned up. Maybe I really am Irish!