When I was a kid and worked with my grandpa a lot, his term for just a little bit was a ‘tad’. “Take a tad more out of that board” he’d say. “Cut out the line”

My ag teacher would say ‘skosh’ for a small measurement. “Turn the amperage on that welder up a skosh”. That didn’t mean a lot. It meant a little. You KNEW what it meant.

When I got older and more sophisticated, the ubiquitious ‘Hair’ measurement system kicked in. There was a hair, a cunt hair, and for the finest a red cunt hair. If you think that’s a nasty term, try slipping a manual tranny jackshaft back into the engine when the clutch plate has moved a red cunt hair. It can’t be done.

The modern term I guess is ‘nanofuckit’. That’s how long it takes superglue to cement your thumb and forefinger together if you were wondering. Mainly a measurement of time but is also universal.
