Caleb Wallace had helped organize a rally against the "government being in control of our lives," branded "The Freedom Rally".

The dad-of-three demanded an "open Texas" and publicly opposed masks and vaccines.

In an open letter to the San Angelo Independent School District in April, Wallace wrongly claimed there was "so little evidence that masks worked for anyone" as he called for "all Covid-related policies" to be "rescinded immediately".

"What have been the benefits of lockdowns and masking?" he wrote.

"I say to you that there is ZERO benefit to this continued practice."

Brilliant! Caleb died today after more than a month of suffering with Covid. The sad part is, he leaves behind his wife and three young daughters. Now his wife has a Go-Fund Me page to help cover his expenses. I'm sorry for being a cold sumbitch, but ... never mind, I'll bite my tongue.