The other day I was watching a hunting related YouTube video. The host of the show mentioned all the other social media formats that the viewers could see content on if they wanted more. He also mentioned his relatively popular website and it's chat forums. When he mentioned it he referred to it as basically the dinosaur of social media, and believed it wouldn't be long before chat forums we completely obsolete. At first I thought, that can't be right. Then I started to pay a lot more attention.With Tik Tok, Snapchat, Facebook, and various other modes of cyber communications chat forums really are on a down hill slide. Every place I frequent has less and less traffic. Some, like this place, barely hang on. It kind'a bums me out as I've enjoyed the chat forum format for many years, but I too see it completely disappearing in the not too distant future. I've met a lot of good people through Goodhunting. In fact, I've personally met more people from this site than all the others combined. So when this place finally takes it's last breath, it will be a lot like losing a friend. I'm not sure where I'm going with all this other than to say I wish things were different, but I sure do appreciate all you guys, and will continue to do so whether this place continues to exist or not. So for the one or two of you left to read this thank you.