We’re FINALLY getting back into cruising after the long dry spell during Covid. As I was perusing the offerings of various cruise lines, I saw one that says they support the LGBTQ2+ community. I know, through the years, they just kept adding letters until I thought they’d end up with the whole alphabet, but wtf is 2+? (I had to look it up)

Well, I didn’t really “study” it, but I believe the 2 is for “2-spirited” people. Huh??? Something like a designation for Native Americans who don’t know what the F they are (sexually speaking). It sounds the same as “bi” to me, but I guess “2-spirited” sounds more Native American than bi. The “plus”? That’s to include all others that aren’t included in the “LGBTQ2” designation.

My question on the + is, wtf else IS there?