Keith and I are headed out this morning to go fishing for the first time since all of this heart stuff started in Feb. We got a Jan trip in but its been TWO FRIGGIn MONTHS!
Headed down to where my son lives to fish the Illinois River to go for some Neosho strain smallies. Two of my uncles took four or five of us cousins for a week of primitive (back of a Rambler station wagon) camping and fishing when we were kids. We were wild as March hares. Boy did we take home some odious piles of laundry! And we caught the poo out of smallies.
The neosho smallmouth is a strain unique to this part of the Ozarks. The river has been dammed and stock with a Tennessee lake smallie strain thats pretty much rubbed out or interbred the Neosho strain. But we’re going far enough river that we may find a little band or two of them!

Enjoy your spring day! Gonna be a beaut here!