Cool! I’d be all over that! Isaan style is my all-time favorite (I lived in Isaan for over 3 years) and relatively hard to find in the states. Isaan is basically a poor, farming area of N.E. Thailand and the food is more a mix of Thai and Lao (Laos). They pretty much used what they could grow or find locally and use their cooking skills to make a good meal with what they had, or could afford.

Most of what you get in the States is Bangkok style meals. Northern (Isaan) style and Southern (Bangkok) style can be miles apart. Northern is generally spicier also. Every dish you named is good and I’d jump all over any of them. Careful on the som tum though, Isaan style can be super spicy, but they’ll usually ask how you want it. Som Tum isn’t for everybody. It’s a shredded GREEN papaya with a mix of ingredients … a salad actually. GOOD som tum is to die for, but I’ve had some crappy versions I didn’t care for.

Damn! I’m hungry now. I think it’s well known here how much I love to eat, but I’ve always said, if someone told me I could only have ONE type of food for the rest of my life, my answer would be Thai food. That says a lot for this Southern boy.

BTW, I’m not sure what kra-tib is. I think it’s probably (I think kratip?) which I believe is the straw container Thais use to hold food (like a lunch box for us). Kind of a “take out” container maybe?

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