In Nashville now, but took a detour through Ala-damn-bama to stop at the lost luggage place. Really loaded up with small pieces to bolster my inventory for e-bay. Got a ton of the usual razors, blades and a ton of unrelated small items, then I stumbled across the mother lode! I found a stash of garage door remotes ... one of my favorite little golden nuggets as they are a VERY easy sell. Once I got 'em all gathered up, I counted SIXTY-FRIGGING-TWO of 'em! I bought 'em for $2.00 each and they'll go on e-Bay all day long for $15-$25 each. That makes for a pretty decent profit margin. Heck, I ain't gonna get rich at it, but it sure is fun and beats sitting around staring at the walls feeling sorry for myself. BTW ... we'll be home on the 2nd and I have another surgery on the 7th. Bummer.

BUT ... at least the treasure hunting has been fun so far.
