I just spent about half an hour of lunch cruising the internet. About half of it reading up on the Martin/Zimmerman trial. I came to a startling realization: I don't give a shit.

What's worse I don't even want to listen to those who do give a shit.

It is an unpleasant business. It seems like everyone talking about it is doing so in a really emotionally charged way. Charges of racism are being tossed around like baseballs. From both sides. Everyone seems mad. Everyone seems like they are taking law classes at night.

I find myself googling the early mast predictions for WV and trying to figure out how much extra vacation time I will have to chase deer and maybe even sneak in an early autumn trout fishing trip to the mountains. My Badgers and Mounties are getting ready to fire up fall camp and I have been catching up on them as well.

I am not saying that I am sticking my head in the sand and ignoring the problems of the world. Just that it seems like if I can't personally do anything about it and it is unpleasant then after a certain point I just walk away from it. I am gravitating to things that make me happy and leaving the rest behind. I don't remember being this way before.

I this something like a middle age crisis? Is there a red corvette in my future?
