After we got back in there a few miles on my hike yesterday, we started seeing more sign of deer and elk. However we also started seeing more sign of mining from days long since past. Here is what's left of an old pick up that was shoved off to the side of the trail. The trail btw was once an old two track used to access the mine. I have no idea how long ago they shut down motor vehicle access but judging by this truck is was a heap big long time ago.

Not too far past the abondone pick up we rounded a corner and discovered this old cabin. It was still in pretty good shape. If the Forest Service decided to restore it I don't think it would be that tough to do. It's kind of a shame it's being left to just slowly rot away.

Inside the cabin was this old boot. I'm assuming it was a ladie's boot, but it may have been a man's. It was interesting in the fact that it has little metal spikes on the heels. I figure that was to help navigate climing on downed trees better, or perhaps for better grip on the ice. Either way it's kind'a neat.

Anyway I thought I'd share. I don't know if any of you find this stuff interesting or not, but I love exploring old mines, cabins, caves, and such. It always makes me stop and wonder what dreams those that went before me had.