Some vacation.

Spent 10 days or so at camp for first work week. We bush hogged all the shooting lanes, at least we did........until the wheel on Joe's tractor almost fell off. We had already spent 1/2 day in town getting the bush hog wheel frame welded back together. Too many trees!!! But the wheel was over our pay grade.

Then last Saturday and Sunday, the 'young' guys that were supposed to show up, didn't of course. They had football tickets and probably an opera to go to. Something..... I don't know what. So the three oldest guys in the camp cut all this firewood (yes, me included....I did about 40% of this):

Couple of guys split it. Liked to have killed me.

Then I climbed up my favorite stand........"The Hilton". OOOPs. Rickety!! Looked it over, the legs were split and cracking, the supports were gone.....I got two other opinions, both of which were "I ain't getting up THAT thing!!!"......and I decided that this great wooden stand, built since 1995, had seen its better days.

So, I went to town while I had a big trailer and got this one:

We put it up while I had help. 4 X 6 (you're looking at the 4 foot wide side)........ now called "The Ritz Carlton".

No time to do the sides, just barely had time to put in floor and roof. Will level, stabilize, and put up sides when we go back the 27th to plant food plots.