... to watch this video all the way through without laughing your ass off! (for youse REALLY OLD guys!)

Lynn and I were driving back from the store earlier and she said "something" about a bird. Some obscure little statement and something just clicked in my brain. All of a sudden I started singing "Surfin' Bird" (by The Trashmen). It just popped into my head out'ta nowhere. Of course, as I sang away totally enjoying myself, she was looking at me like I'd lost my mind and was ready to call the "men in the white coats" to come pick me up and have me committed. Anyway, it took me back to about the 6th grade and for a few minutes I felt like a kid again. As soon as I got home, I just HAD to see if there was a YouTube video. I think the last time I heard this song was in the movie "Full Metal Jacket".

If you want to embarrass yourself in front of your kids, show 'em this video and let them know this made the top of the record charts back when you were a teen. (Remember, I dare you to watch the whole thing and keep a straight face as this verifies that white boys can't dance!)