Y'all may remember one morning while I was Bowhunting I had two hawks fly in on a bunch of squirrels under my feeder and all of them got away except for one squirrel that was in the "hole" under the feeder. I gave play by play that morning of the two hawks waiting him out until he finally made a break for it and lost the battle....
I posted a picture that day I made from my phone in the stand that morning. It was a little hard to make out due to lighting and trying to zoom in etc...
I was going through my trail camera photos today and the trail camera made a picture about the same time as I did. And it is a lot clearer....
You can see the Hawk sitting on the top of the feeder much better in the Trail Cam picture. The second hawk was out of frame in a tree to the right.
Phone picture in low light
Trail cam picture much better
That was a neat thing to watch.
Take Care, Captain