Though I was only able to stop for a few minutes, it was interesting to finally see a place I have read and heard about many times over the years. As Cappy eluded to in my earlier post, Custer & the 7th Calvary were stationed just south of here at Fort Lincoln and as a billboard that used to be found along I-94 said, "Come visit North Dakota, Custer was healthy when he left here."

While on the sight one can't help but envision what took place. The gravestones that are scattered across the landscape help paint the picture whether it be where numerous markers are in a single location or the lone marker seen in the distance. You can almost hear the sounds of gunfire, people yelling, horses running, etc.

A portion of the river bottom where the indian encampment was located.

Looking S-SE along Battle Ridge near Calhoun Hill.

Looking N towards Last Stand Hill.

Last Stand Hill.

Marker where a soldier fell.