Opening day in Virginia. County I live in is buck only opening day.

From my back door, I walked about 150 yards down Into the 30 acre holler behind my house.

Rained all night the night before, stopped raining about 5:45 as I was headed out the door.
Morning hunt I saw 4 does. Came in about 9:30.

Back out for the afternoon hunt around 2 (gets dark at 5:15 here).

Woods were still wet, and I couldn't even hear squirrels running across the leaves.

Saw 3 more does around 4:30.

Bout 5, almost dark down in the woods, a deer just pops outta no where at about 40 yards. I see horns so I adjust muh self (sitting in a ground blind) and get ready. He stopped. I shot. He dropped.
Went back up to the house, got the boys (both had games Saturday and couldn't hunt) an we went down and dragged up a small 4 point that dressed out 105 pounds.

More meat for the freezer!

Taking each of the boys down weekend after next to maybe connect with one of the bigger bucks I've got on the trail cam.

And that was my openin day.