I went to another estate sale this weekend and was in heaven. It was the estate of an old farmer and the place was stuffed FULL of old "junk" (or as Mike & Frank would say, "Rusty Gold").

I bought quite a few small items ("smalls") which is what I like to tinker with. That way, if I blow my "intuition", I really can't lose a whole lot. Where I had the most fun was digging through years of accumulation in the barn. During my digging, I ran across an old spark plug from the 1930's. I thought it was really cool and hung onto it. Then I stumbled upon another ... then after digging a bit more, I found a third. Now, I figured the "normal" amount of plugs would most likely be 4 ... maybe for an old T or A model Ford ... or maybe even a tractor ... who knows? But three just seemed like an unlikely number, so I continued digging but never did find the fourth plug and finally gave up to move on to greener pastures.

Anyway, I couldn't pass these things up as I think they're super cool. Three Old Edison (Splitdorf Corp.) Spark Plugs. They're brand new (NOS) and still have the cardboard thread protectors on them. One thing really stands out (to me anyway) ... instead of being marked "Made in USA" as we're pretty much accustomed to ... these are labeled as, "Made in United States of America" (see pic# 2). I thought that was kind of cool and different. A sign of a different era I suppose.

edisonplugs1124 001.JPGedisonplugs1124 007.JPGedisonplugs1124 003.JPG

Oh yeah, if'n any o'youse dufebutts have a 5th wheel camper or trailer and need a 7-pin extension power cord, I picked one'a those up also. I haven't put a tape measure to it yet, but I'm guessing between 4 & 5 feet.

(like one'a these thingys)