As mentioned in Posthole's post, I tried finding a buck to put my muzzleloader tag on this past Saturday but to no avail. Not only in 22 below zero F cold, but it is so cold it makes the snow squeak which makes sneaking up on deer a waste of time. Did get up on 2 different doe/fawn pairs but again, nothing with horns.

In addition to the squeaky snow, I also learned that at that temperature trees will make a LOUD popping sound. I assume it might have something to do with the moisture in the tree expanding but not really sure. It wasn't that they all did it but i heard it probably a dozen times in the 3 hours I was out.

Anyway, here is what I looked like when I made it back to the pickup. (By the way the face mask is snow camp, not completely white)

Another lesson I learned was to let your face mask thaw out before ripping it off as the condensation and snot welds your beard to the mask. Can you say OUCH?!