I picked up a Magellan 300 and will be listing it on "The Bay" tonight, but figured I'd check here first. I don't know if it's ever been used or not (I didn't check for way-points, etc) as I found it in a hall closet at an estate sale. It's an older unit, but is still in the box with all paper work including batteries. I installed the batteries and it powered up, but that's as far as I went. Anyway, I'm sure it has some years on it, but low or no miles. The batteries look to be original, are still good (although I don't know HOW good or for how long) and the battery tray is clean. Anyway, if any o'youse dufes can use it, I'd like $25 for it. Oh ... and if it doesn't work for some reason, I'll give ya' your money back. (IF you can find me ya' sucker!)

Let me know .... (I have PLENTY of pics if you want more)

magellangps1230 001.JPG magellangps1230 009.JPG magellangps1230 012.JPG magellangps1230 014.JPG magellangps1230 016.JPG