Y'all call me a Curmudgeon (hurts my feelings), but last few days I have really felt like one.

Had a 5 year old since right after Christmas. He's had a tough row to hoe, and I'm glad to be able to give him at least a few days, a semblance, of stability. He's a good kid, if defiant at times. Smart.

Tomorrow we drive to Memphis to meet his Mama (halfway for her) and 'give him back'. Circumstances are that we never know when we'll see him again. He hasn't cried for his Mama once. He enjoys being here. But man......Grandpa is about at his wits end.

I know now why young children are not given to old folks.

I'm ready to watch something other than Disney Jr. Channel, and Cars 2 movie for the 9th time. And to have some adult interaction.


Tough on an old man.