I went to that "barn sale" this morning and had a blast! Man-o-man, crap was piled up everywhere. I was so dirty when I got home, I had to take a shower ... and it's not even Saturday yet!

BUT ... I made a rookie mistake. Actually I'm close to being a veteran "picker" and am usually well prepared, but I had a couple things working against me. For one, only ONE light was working in this barn and it was DARK in there (I forgot my flashlight!). Anything I was half way interested in, I had to take to the door (or one of only two windows in the barn) to get a good look at it. I found tons of cool stuff ... but didn't spend too much time on fishing items. I counted 38 rod/reel combos as well as 16 old cane poles ... 1-piece, 3-piece and collapsible units. BUT ... the stuff was WELL used and I was told a nephew had already come in and cleaned out all the quality fishing gear for himself. This stuff was just the LEFTOVERS! I dug out 6 old tackle boxes but the decent lures were gone and just some old junky ones remained.

Heck, there were two old trolling motors (Johnson and Evinrude) in 10HP and 7 1/2HP. Lots of old hunting stuff .. camo clothing, deer stands (climbers), snake boots, gaiters, etc, etc. as well as old camping gear. It was a barn, so there were tons of tools, welders, generators ... you name it, it was in there! Oh, Cappy ... I found you an old "FORD" wrench ... not sure if it's an auto or tractor wrench. (I'll take a pic later). As I've said before, I usually stick to small, easy to ship stuff I can make a buck or two on. I won't even attempt to go through the list of "junk" I picked up, but I did dig up a couple of really cool old items!

These bring pretty good money on "The Bay". I have more pics, but I'll just post a couple to see if any o'youse OLD farts can tell me what these are. Anyone?

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