Almost every day, Lynn brings some sort of "snack" home from work. They have cupcakes, donuts, pastries ... that sort of stuff at the hotel and she usually brings something home for me. Plus, whenever she goes to lunch, she very seldom eats everything, and usually brings a doggie-bag home (which I finish for her). Yesterday afternoon, she came home from work and I was at the kitchen table going through the day's mail. She walked in, set a bag on the table and went to the restroom downstairs. She then went upstairs to change out of her work clothes.

Of course I peeked inside the bag and spotted a NICE (expensive) box of very fancy chocolates. Cool! I figured a customer had given it to her or sumpin'. So, I opened the box and "sampled" a piece. When she came back downstairs to start fixing supper, I remarked about how good the chocolate was. Her eyes got as wide as saucers and as she looked at the opened box, she shouted, "That's your mother's birthday present!!"

Mom's 82nd b/d is Monday. I think I'm in the dog house.