This is NOT for Posthole. I'm NOT going to reload Windows.
This is NOT for Thump. I'm not going to ....... well, who knows what he'd suggest.

This is a legitimate question.

I use Firefox. I hate Microsoft IEx as a browser. Even though Microsoft drives me nuts every time go to MSN.COM, by asking me "do you REALLY want to keep Firefox?".........geez. GIVE IT UP.

Anyway........I am about to decide this is somehow a timing issue. I have, for example, four open windows, each in its own tab at the top, each on a different URL. Most of the time, I can click one of them, or any other of my favorites that I have named in folders under the URL bar, and it goes there fine, bam.

But about every fifth time (I'm guessing?) of trying to go to a new/different website/URL, if I click on it, OR if I try to simply refresh the page, I get an instant "Page Cannot Be Displayed". I can try "Try Again" over and over, still nothing. But it's INSTANT. Bam. If I finally go to a new URL, over and over, it finally gives up and starts working by going to the URL I click on. THEN I can go to the URL I first started on, and it works.

Makes no sense.

Niner suggested, and I tried this, to restart, or reload, or re-something Firefox. I did that, and the only thing that happened was that I had to reload all my favorites!!! The above error kept happening.

This has gone on through about the last 4 upgrades to the then new version of Firefox. I'm on 26.0 now.

It's almost like the computer is faster than the internet or vice versa, or something. It acts the same as it would if I was not connected to the internet, but only for a while.

Any ideas????

HA! While I'm typing this, I get a popup that says "Firefox 27.0 available". So.........I'll try that, but I bet it doesn't fix this.