... I let one get away today and I'm bummed. (kickin' myself in the ass actually)

I was at an estate sale yesterday and a certain item caught my eye. I picked it up ... fondled it a while and put it back down. It was priced at $1.00 and for some silly reason, I just never thought to research it. To make matters worse, it was something I'm VERY familiar with ... just didn't think it was a big deal for some silly reason. (no clue why) I put it back down and moved on.

Well, I went back today for "1/2 price day" (final day of sale) and noticed it was still there and now priced at $0.50. I AGAIN picked it up, played with it, checked it out ... then laid it back down and moved on. I have NO clue why it didn't shout out at me ... "HEY DUMBASS ... I'M COOL ... GOOGLE MY ASS!!" I bought a few other items and we left.

About 10 mins ago it hit me. HEY DUMBASS ... why don't you check out that little gizmo you played around with for two days in a row and passed up for FIFTY FRIGGING CENTS??!! I got on the Bay and ... CRAP! They're bringing a minimum of $30-$35 .... most are going for $50-$70 and some have sold for as high as $90-$150 !!! It would'a cost me a whole $2-$3 to ship it.

I mean ... COME ON! This is what I do .... right! Man I suck!

Anyway, if you see one of these hangin' around and priced for peanuts ... pick it up.


This one just sold less than 2-weeks ago for $156.60 (total).
