One of the big issues with NASCAR rules is to keep expenses down. For example, it's the reason they only ran carbs and not fuel injection until just recently.

Formula 1 racing is the total opposite ... money is no object. The rules reflect that ... even down to how many crew members are on the payroll. At an F1 race, a pit crew has 18 members! (I'm talking "over the wall" here!)

I've never been a huge "Indy" fan, but I do respect the machinery and engineering marvels demonstrated ... it's almost what I'd call another world if compared to NASCAR. I remember as a kid, watching my dad work the pits, they used the old manual "spider wrenches" (X-shaped lug wrench) before air wrenches were allowed. Things have really changed.

Low 13 seconds is probably the average time for a NASCAR stop. Considering they have 7 members as opposed to 18, it's still quite a feat to change tires, clean the grill, clean the windshield, fuel up and even make chassis adjustments in that 13 seconds. Anyway, to the point of this post. If you want to see poetry in motion ... watch an F1 pit-stop! This is how to service a Ferrari ... (how'd you like to be that front jack man hoping those brakes work!?)