... and that was MY kind of wedding. It was someone Lynn works with and when we were leaving the house, I instinctively walked toward Lynn's car. She stood there in the driveway looking at me like I was ignernt or sumpin' ... then said, I suggest we take your truck. To a WEDDING?? I didn't argue. I'm glad, 'cause we'd have prolly looked like the Dork Family (hold the dang comments dufes!).

It was held at a place out in the country (edge of a swamp) and not a button down shirt to be seen. Shorts/jeans, t-shirts and a ton of ball caps (mostly camo). I'm glad Lynn made the call on takin' the truck, because I looked out across the grass field (parking area) and took an informal count. At that point in time, there were 37 pick-ups, 2 Harleys and 3 hoopties. There were prolly 100 people or so. No running from church to reception ... it was all in one spot ... from 4PM - 9PM.

WOW! They had a huge, trailer mounted grill with more slabs of ribs than I could count ... along with 10 Boston butts. Add all the sides and about 10-12 large coolers of canned beer/cokes (that's southern for beer and sodas/pops/or soft drinks) plus a couple of full-sized keggers ... and there was a party! The ceremony took all of 5 minutes (simply a quick formality to get out of the way early in the afternoon) and the rest of the day/evening was party time. All had a good time and not one person got rowdy or pulled a Jekyll & Hyde. There was a bouncy-house for the kids and PLENTY to keep the adults entertained, including a dj and "redneck Karaoke".

The best part? The food! I'm talkin' tonnage and all were instructed to take what they wanted home with them. When we left, we were handed a package of 6-7 large ribs and a coupl'a big ol' plastic (beer) cups of pulled pork. There were two large stacks of cut ribs piled up at "closing time" and six racks still on the cooker. There was NO shortage of food and drink.

Now THAT is my kind of wedding. I normally put weddings in the same category as funerals ... just sumpin' I feel "obligated" to attend. This was actually fun and made me temporarily forget about my aches and pains.