Eddie asked a long time ago once, while we were talking about Tim Tebow, why sports fans were so jaded about athletes who were so open about their christian values. Honestly, I can't tell you what the difference is between Kevin Durant and Tim Tebow, at least from that perspective. Obviously, KD is an MVP of his profession and that probably has something to do with it. but I ain't got any answers to that question. all I know is, Kevin Durant is doing it the right way. And I'm not even an NBA fan and I find myself pulling for this guy. Its pretty tough to tell if he's adopted Oklahoma or if if Oklahoma has adopted him. But he's something we need here in my state. And he's dang good at what he does too, that doesn't hurt. And its true that athletes don't have to be role models and sometimes we expect too much of them. when tey exceed expectations in that aspect though, it's pretty dang cool.

