Someone on Facebook posted a picture of me and Bassdog yesterday as part of the throwback Thursday weekly deal. It got me to thinking about a mutual of friend of ours who was almost always hanging around with us back in the day. In fact, he was with Bob and I on our first 'Annual' fishing trip in '88 that was the start of the annual trips we take to Dogtooth. He was the third musketeer and truthfully he never like fishing or camping or any of the outdoor stuff Bob and I did as much as we did but he came along, mainly for the alcohol I think. Both Bob and I lost touch with him many years ago when he moved to Washington, Mo and later New York to go to work for a telecom firm up there. I heard from him just briefly when he emailed to let me know he'd gotten married, moved to Florida, and was expecting a kid. That was probably the mid 90's. I tried to get in touch with him when Bassdog passed away but the guy's name is Jeff Davis and do you know how many Jeff Davis's there are in the South? Or anywhere for that matter? A lot.
So yesterday when I saw the picture of Bob and I, it got me to thinking about him again and I thought I'd give it another college try. I found him, or at least the announcement of him taking a job with a telecom firm in New Jersey. Here's the disappointment. The announcement lists his experience and background, which with me being a close friend I know very well. His whole bio was a mix of Bob's and mine and almost none of his own experiences. He even listed military service in the Air Force in the career field Bob and I were both in and he NEVER served in the military. Also listed a degree which he doesn't have. I guess firms don't check backgrounds much any more or at least that one didn't. I'm so profoundly disappointed I wish I'd never even tried to find him. all I wanted to do was tell him about Bob and catch up on what he was doing. Now I may punch him in the dad gum nose if I ever see him. No wonder he's stayed out of sight. His whole goddamned life is a lie.

what a bummer. Friends are too hard to come by to let too many of them go, but this is just the lowest of the low. Good riddance.