Ten years ago at this very moment, I was in the Cath Lab getting shocked back to life, 3 times, after undergoing a Left Anterior Descending Myocardial Infarction. 4% of the folks that get this, live. 96% die on the spot.

I doubt I have another 10 years, but the last 10 have been great. I have gotten to retire, somehow, even though I doubt I make it to the 'end' financially........but boy it's fun and worth it. I have been to some places I always wanted to go to. I've added a new grandchild, and almost another. I have visited with some of you along the way, and would love to do it again, and see more of you guys. Some of you don't care much for me and my naivety has kept me from realizing that, but many of you have continued to check on me and be a very good and true friend. I'm thankful for it all. I'm in the middle of some pretty bad family stuff, but somehow we will figure out how to persevere. Health keeps going downhill somewhat but I'm luckier in that department that some of you guys, and some others that I know, and I'm grateful to be upright and mobile. I pray daily for better health for those that need it more than I do.

Just sitting here looking out the window and being glad to be kicking............and wanted to thank all you guys that have supported me.

