You know I try to remain well grounded. I really do. Hard. Even in the face of a world that seems to offer up excuse after excuse to go "tin foil" I try and remain even keeled and evidence guided.

This downed jetliner in Ukraine is ~really~ stretching me to the breaking point.

We have a half-assed rebel army that doesn't seem to be any more well equipped than your local Montana volunteer militia that seems to be everyone's prime suspect. We have a government army that seems to be filled to the brim with drunks and Nazis. The government itself doesn't exist after it resigned last week. Days after the Parliament refuses to hand over half of its oil and gas companies to western bases "investors".

We make claims that Russian backed rebels shot the jet down. The Russians show just enough proof to call those allegations into serious question. Hell even our video showing the rebels moving around the suspected rocket launcher was shown to be that of Ukrainian troops well within the borders of Ukraine proper.

We up the claims and tell the world we have proof. Hard evidence. And now it is unveiled.

And what do we get for proof? A bunch of grainy black and white photos that would make a 50's era CIA spook blush in shame. My god, you couldn't find a nuclear explosion in those pictures if you were looking for it. I've seen security videos on VHS tapes that have been recycled every day for 10 years that had better resolution.

I honestly don't know whether to be more ashamed that this is our "proof" or that we spend almost a Trillion USD every year on defense in order to obtain this kind of "proof". Either way this is the kind of thing that is extremely embarrassing to me as a US citizen.

In spite of myself I can't help the doubts from creeping into my mind. I'm starting to believe we don't have any proof. And I'm starting to hear that voice in the back of my mind say there is a reason that we don't. That maybe we actually have very good evidence and proof of who did this but we won't show it because it ain't the people we want it to be.
