Alright you perverts ... ya' has ta' read it first!

I remember when a group of us went up for a visit with TW and Johnboy. We took a little road trip and checked into a motel just down the road from Lesser Slave Lake for a few days of Walleye fishing.

After spending ONE night at TW's place, no one wanted to room with Bucky because he snored so badly. (HE says he does NOT snore ... HA!)

Anyway, we decided it wasn't fair to make one of us stay with him the whole time, so we voted to take turns.

Posthole was the first guy to sleep with The Buckster and he came to breakfast the next morning with his hair a mess and his eyes all bloodshot. We said, "Man, what happened to you?

He said, " Bucky snored so loudly, I just sat up and watched him all night."

The next night it was Johnboy's turn. In the morning, same thing, hair all standing up, eyes all bloodshot.

We asked, "Man, what happened to you? You look awful! He said, 'Man, Bucky shakes the roof with his snoring. I watched him all night."

The third night was my turn. (Now, remember, I'm a man's man and maybe a tad bit brighter than the fools I just mentioned.) The next morning I went to breakfast all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and said "Good morning" to all the guys. They couldn't believe it. They said, "Man, what happened last night?"

I told 'em, "Well, we got ready to hit the sack, so I went and tucked Bucky into bed, patted him on the butt and kissed him good night on his forehead. Bucky sat up and watched ME all night!"