We have a friend who's a police officer here in town. In fact, when we went to meet with the Governor last week, he was part of the security team there. Anyway, a couple years ago a good friend and fellow officer of his was gunned down by a f'ing punk-assed gang-banger here in town. He'd stopped to talk to a group of five guys "acting suspiciously" in a park late on a Sunday night. He got out of his car and one of them stuck a gun to the officer's head and shot him point blank. They all scattered and left him mortally wounded. Back-up arrived a few minutes later and rushed him to the hospital where he died early the next morning. It was 4 days before Christmas.

Anyway, they made an arrest (he even confessed to the murder) and the suspect has acted like a total punk through the whole trial ... never showed a bit of remorse. Well, the verdict came out yesterday afternoon and he was found guilty. He hasn't been sentenced yet, but he could possibly get the death penalty. The punk has had a smirk on his face all through this crap until the verdict was read yesterday, THEN he broke down and cried like the little bitch he really is! (I wonder if there will be rioting in the streets tonight?)

Anyway, here's his reaction yesterday afternoon when he realized the he was goin' to the "big house". (our friend said he lost his tough guy look and cried like a 7-year old just after this pic was taken) Cry ya' little bitch!

I hate the way the attorneys always dress these scumbags to look like choirboys. They say they don't want to "prejudice" the jury. Well, why isn't givin' 'em a clean fresh haircut and dressing them like respectable working class citizens considered "prejudicing" the jury? I don't get it. Here's his mug shot: