I bought a few small items today, nothing exciting, just sumpin' to make a buck or two. BUT ... my trained eye came through again. I ain't gonna get rich, but it's fun to score small victories here and there.

I spotted a bowl on a coffee table in the livingroom that just called out to me. I picked it up, looked it over and decided it was worth taking a closer look. I pulled out the trusty ol' iPhone and did a bit of searching. Cool! One persactly like the one in my hand (same color, everything) just sold 4 days ago for $47.00. Heck, it only had a $2.50 price tag on it. For that, I wouldn't even gamble with my usual "wait 'til tomorrow and if it's still there, get it for $1.25" move.

It's nothing I'd want in MY house, but evidently SOMEBODY likes 'em. I'll list it this weekend and see what happens. It's from the 60's.
