I think I posted about my Apple iPad going completely fubar, a couple of weeks ago....won't charge, won't power up, won't do anything....deader than Bucky's Kubota.
I couldn't find any local business to repair it, so I finally took a chance, and called Apple's tech support, and they answered on the first ring....sweet young thing asked me a few questions, then walked me thru a few attempts at reviving it, but to no avail.
She asked for the serial number and registration card number, which I had kept copies of....then, she said it was nearly a year out of warranty....ruh roh !!!
However, she said, Apple was very generous with their warranty coverage, and would send me a brand new one----FREE !!!
I asked her about returning my old one, and she said they couldn't accept it for return because it still contained all my personal info., and there was no way to delete it because it wouldn't boot up.
Good to know there are still a few good guys out there, where the customer is still important to them, even after the sale.