I'm going to try and do something a little different this year.
#3 and I both got doe permits to go with out double buck tags.
Walked the property yesterday and we were excited to see all the fresh scrapes, some of those suckers were better than 4' across.
Opening day will find me with my 308 up in my ladder stand, hope to get a shot at least at one nice buck, we're in a QDM zone so one buck must have at least 3 points on a side, while the second buck requires at least 4 points on a side.
But after opening day I'm switching to my Colt AR and 60 gr. Partitions.
I have the gun, love to shoot it, and just need to justify owning it seeing as the Zombies haven't shown up yet.
I've heard a lot of hunters here and elsewhere have taken deer with a 223 so I figure I should give it a try.
Opening day is the 15th, we have snow in the forecast for the next 5 days, so a good chance of having it for opening day.