Wellll.........we JUST got back in from Houston, and I HAD to get on this thing and let my friends here know what is going on with my condition.

We flew out to MDA on Sat for my quarterly checkup(s). Had all manner of tests and the "dreaded" hour-long MRI on Sunday.

Monday, was a day filled with visits to various docs that I have to see from various departments dealing with my case. One of those docs was the Radiation Surgeon that did the radiation surgery on my tumor back in the spring, for a follow up on how things are going "in there". He said he hasn't had a chance to read the MRI report yet, but he HAS looked at the MRI......and HE CANNOT EVEN TELL where the tumor was now. The erradication was THAT complete!!!!

Next morning we were into my Neurosurgeon's office, and he said the same thing.....can't see where the tumor was either.

And so on and so on with ALL of the various docs in each department. All of them had GOOD things to say about my tests. HECK, even my cholesterol was good.