I must confess, I was so tired when I got home, I completely forgot about taking any pics, so just slap my forgetful ole azz....Sandy and I were invited to hunt with some buddies at one of the most exclusive hunting clubs along the MS River....actually, I think the invitation was more for Sandy, than me ....she's gotten somewhat of a "reputation" in the squirrel hunting circles, around here.

WOW, I didn't know folks had that much money to spend on recreation!!!!....their 50 member lodge looked like that Bass Pro Cedars lodge!!!....we hunted one of their many parcels of land that was about 400 acres of solid hardwoods, which actually looked like it had never been timbered....the red and white oak trees looked to be over 120 feet tall, and well over 100 years old....just guessing, but their diameters were in the 6-7 foot range....several of the guys were shooting high-brass 12 gauge loads, and the shot pellets couldn't even reach the top branches of those towering oak trees.

We hunted from noon to dusk-dark, and Sandy treed at least 35 squirrels....the problem was, the trees were just tooooo frigging tall....the squirrels knew that, too....they'd scamper to the very top branches, and just hunker down on those big top limbs....I had difficulty locating them, even with my binocs.

We had several dead hang-ups, but eventually managed to bring down six squirrels, thanks to one of the guys who was very skillful, shooting his .22 magnum....I let the other guys do all the shooting....two blackies, two grays, and two reds.

Fortunately, the terrain along the river is relatively flat....I bet we walked at least 5 miles, and Sandy, prolly ran 10 or more....Sandy's leg is almost 100%, but she still favors it a bit....when she jumped into the truck to leave, she curled up on the front seat, and snored like a drunk sailor, the entire two hour drive home....I stopped and bought her favorite snack, Jack Link's jerky....she took a couple of bites, and went right back to snoring.

It was a great and beautiful day to be out in God's outdoors creation !!!!!